A more effective, intelligent, comprehensive approach.
Learn about Theater's many features in our dedicated videos.
Introduction to Theater
A quick overview of what Theater is, why to use it, and what advantages it can bring to companies, retail, education, showrooms, and trade shows.
The Menu
In this video, we examine in detail how Theater's menu works and what its role is in supporting a multitouch environment.
The Gallery
This video introduces Theater's main navigation tool, through which all content can be brought into the playground to be examined via Theater's unique multitouch interface
The Browser
The Browser is Theater's Swiss army knife. In this video, you can see how, via the Browser, the content available on the web can be brought to Theater's playground to be reviewed and commented on along with other available content.
The Whiteboard
The transparent whiteboard is the tool through which several contents can be commented in a joint way, adding value and meaning to the single information
Governance Backend
How does Theater's Governance backend work? How does the collection of messages from devices and their mapping to the territory take place? In this video a brief explanation of how the flows are organized and what the underlying software architecture is.