The company provides energy, heat and environmental networks services to enable smart cities.
Central system for directing an Innovation Center.
Integration with innovative technologies and environments.
Creation of immersive environments representative of the use of innovative and advanced systems to support business.
Solution open to the integration of up-to-date technologies and their future evolutions.
Multimedia content management to support presentations.
Integration with videoconferencing systems enabling collaborative environments even remotely.
Integrated hardware and software system.
Hardware components:
multi-touch and multi-user table.
Software components:
Theater Digital Collaboration Suite
Theater Governance Suite
Dedicated additional modules for integration with proprietary technologies.
Direction and coordination of the entire environment, complete management of the technologies in the room.
Management of the specific areas of presentation of innovative technologies with contextualisation on different business contexts.
Enabling the Innovation center as a privileged meeting environment through video conferencing systems.
Extended target audience:
subjects external to the organization (customers and suppliers) and internal figures such as BU Leaders.
Theater the Digital Workspace
Theater® consente di esplorare, presentare e condividere contenuti, coniugando la gestualità naturale a modalità innovative di rappresentazione. I messaggi aumentano di valore ed efficacia. La condivisione simultanea di più contenuti, consultabili facilmente e in tempo reale, stimola interazione, partecipazione, collaborazione.